Make sure everyone is on the same page.
As members of the construction industry, you’ve probably experienced the scenario where someone on the project was a little unsure about the specifics of the job, or had a client who kept changing their mind about what they wanted.
That’s why when you get contracted for a project it’s a good idea to get all parties involved on the same page, right from the start. What does the client envision for their completed project? Are they working with an architect, or are they supplying their own designs? Talk with them at length to ensure that as soon as you proceed with the job, you know exactly what they want to see when you hand over the keys.
The same goes for your team. On a busy building site, you could have many different people coming and going, performing tasks and jobs that will eventually link up to create the final project. Miscommunication between contractors can lead to serious delays, and that means an unhappy client. If everyone involved in the project is privy to the same discussion you’ve had with the client, it will enable the whole process to progress with minimal disruptions.
Check below the surface
Before the project begins, it’s imperative that you know what’s going on underground. With new buildings popping up every day, you can imagine that utility lines are beginning to become fairly congested. Using the proper locating equipment will help you plot out where you can dig, and will save you and the client headaches in the future.
Stay in touch
If you’ve ever been in the client’s shoes, you’ll know that new builds and renovations can be pretty stressful for them. If you’re waiting on your brand new home to be completed, or you’ve had to shut down a section of your home or building in order for extensions or repairs to be attended to, you’d understand how important communication between the builder or contractor becomes. When delays occur, it’s important to keep the client apprised of the reasons for the delay and an updated timeline for what you intend to happen next.
It’s also beneficial to be contactable – many builders and contractors have been hit by scathing reviews from clients who weren’t able to reach them to discuss the project. When client’s are paying for your services, your willingness to be open will indicate your level of professionalism.
At the end of the day you want your client to be thrilled with the work that you do, so why not try out these suggestions and see how your business can benefit.